Today was quite an interesting, and different, day!
Okay, okay, calm down. I did technically get braces, but their not your typical metal, brace face braces. Their "invisalign aligners." Their well, their invisible. I suppose the name speaks for itself. This morning, at precisely 9:45 AM, I tried on my first pair, and it went a little something like this...
^Feeling them out, with the top tray in as well.
They felt SO weird. But I mean really, what do you expect? It is in fact putting a plastic mold that is slightly different then my teeth, on my teeth! That's got to feel weird. I have them in right now, and I'm getting used to it, but when I took them out before dinner (because your supposed to take them out every time you eat or drink anything that isn't water) it actually caused me pain. It really hurt man! I have to take them out again tonight, to brush my teeth, and sheesh! I hope it doesn't hurt as bad! :(
It should only get better though. It's just like when people go in to get their braces tightened. These are my first ones, their gonna be tight. They shouldn't be so bad by.. let's say Thursday. Give it two days.
I also got to watch this video of how they'll change over the next TWO YEARS, yes I know. That's a long time, but to me, time's been flying pretty fast lately. Months go back like *that,* so two years should be a breeze. ;)
-I'm trying to think positive about them okay! >_<
It'll be worth it though, because look at the supposed before and after pictures! =D
(the way they are now)
Also as you can probably tell the before picture is pretty sketchy. It's way worse quality than the after, I actually paused the video and took a picture of it. All I had was the video!
But I think you get the idea.
It's pretty exciting I think. =) I won't know what to do with straight teeth though. They've been like this my whole life, with just gradually getting worse. That's the entire reason I felt like I had to get them fixed. If I didn't do something about them now, they'd just get worse. And trust me, they were. It wasn't pretty. But now, all I have to do is wait.. and endure the hassle and pain of having these weird plastic tooth coverings on 22 out of the 24 hours a day.
But it's all good! It'll all be worth it.. 2 years from now. O_o
Thanks mom and dad! I could have used them a little sooner..
but I'm glad I have them now. =]
I REALLY appreciate it. =D
And that's all for today folks!
Click on later. =]
P.S. - And so the journey to straight teeth begins! ^-^ It's gonna be a bumpy ride.. =P
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