Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is my third blog post of the day. TEE HEE =3 It's a bit unusual for me to post so often, but I could use some "unusual" lately.

Tonight my mum and I watched Imogen Heap's "Everything In-Between- The Story of Ellipse." It's a DVD comprised of documentation of about three years of her life writing, struggling, producing and releasing her latest record, Ellipse.

I bought the movie on iTunes so now I can be inspired over and over and over again. :] Because I did find it very inspiring- which I need desperately right now.

I related to her struggles with deadlines (they kill, PUNNY), her ambition and her unwillingness to compromise her work.

It spoke to me (especially right now) because I'm stuck in one of the stages she was stuck in while making her album. To see her overcome that by working so hard and pushing forward gave me a bit of a wake up call.

I really want this. But lately, I haven't been acting like it. I need to get myself back in that headspace, back in the game- if you will.

To do this, I just need to simply try.

I don't think I have been lately. I could blame it on being bombarded with other seemingly more pressing things like school, my play, friends, life, etc... But I need to do this more than a lot of other things I've been replacing it with.

I really think my lack of progress with my record and my music is weighing on me- this is negative, of course. One of the best feelings for me is to work on something (I can work on producing a song for as long as seven hours straight) and have something to show for myself. Lately, I've been feeling (not to sound too... emo BUT) useless.

It's invigorating to create something out of nothing. It's exciting to grow and achieve goals that you truly and earnestly want to achieve.

My voice is haggard and my body and mind is tired. Tonight I'll take it easy, go to bed early. Tomorrow, I plan to really try with my album and the songs I've been working on for it.

I'm gonna start to give it a good go. (How's that for an alliteration?) ^^

Signing off after announcing yet ANOTHER revelation :P


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