Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm done.


Let me rephrase that- I've finished laying down all of the drum tracks for One, Nothing.


Tomorrow I plan to record the guitar for it and then it's on to the really fun part. Piling layers of beautiful sounds on top. Whatever I find suits the song... electric guitar perhaps... bass (that's a must), maybe some piano.. there are endless possibilities!

^^ *exhale*

I don't feel like such a loser anymore. I'm no longer wandering aimlessly. No more procrastination. I'm not afraid of failure.

It feels so good.

My new found (or rather, re-found) confidence came just in time for semester two of my senior year. It's certainly a good way to start things off.

More later of course,


FINALLY :') back to producing

You won't believe what I've been doing all morning.

Take a guess :)


I'm so happy! I don't want to jinx it, but YEEESSSSS!!! ^^

I'm almost done laying down all of the drum tracks (which for me is the hardest part, ESPECIALLY when having to work with different tempos). I'm working on a song called "One, Nothing." If you've seen me busking or performing about a 45 minute set, then you've most likely heard this song.

I feel very good about getting this song done, because it's been weighing on me for months- as well as two others that I want to produce.

Finally, PROGRESS :]

This has been a breakthrough for me, because I've had a lot of trouble with producing this song in the past. It's been my first attempt at producing a song with multiple tempo changes- which can get very confusing. The key is to keep the flow of the song still intact, and I think I've FINALLY achieved this.

*pat on the back*


Now for a finger rest (I've been playing the same four chords for hours) and a lunch break. I think I'll have some tea! ^^



Friday, January 28, 2011

Life is simple, life is sweet.

I post too many things on the internet about my cats.

I guess that's okay.

Got this sweet photo affecting app for my iPhone today and had a little too much fun with it.


Life is simple, life is sweet.

Singing off,


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PERFORMING AGAIN ^^ (The O'Siem BC Spirit Festival)

I miss performing. DEARLY.

I haven't really performed in... way too long. I had a couple gigs this past summer, which is not near the amount I want to have this year.

Since I've realized I need to stop planning everything before I do it, that I need to be apart of things as they come- "go with the flow" more, I've been doing a lot of research on venues, open mics and gigs here in Victoria.

I want to perform again. So, that's just what I'll do :)

Next month, beginning February 11th, I'll be playing half hour sets throughout the weekend of the O'Siem BC Spirit Festival.

Just what the doctor ordered :]

*Note that this is the first time my name has been included on a poster in BIG letters. :D I'm not even listed LAST! That in itself is a first! :P THANK YOU JOHN!! (He's the Festival's Artistic Director- he hired me)

I'm very excited to perform again. This time I'm not going to let school stop me, or pressures about my album, or anything else. If I want to perform, then that's what I'll do. Every little thing doesn't need to be lined up to share my music- that I already have- with people who are willing to listen. That's what performing is.

I'll have my EP (of four songs) available at the Festival.

I repeat: I am excited.

I'll post more on this when I hear of more info (what times I'm playing, etc..) For now, visit the Festival's website and my website for more details on exactly when and where the event is occurring.

Hope to see some familiar faces!



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lost and Found

Find me on the sidewalk
heading south
There's a line that I crossed
when I tried to reach out

But if you could, would you listen to me?
Cause I've got stories to tell
Is it surprising there's no use in finding
out about myself?

Cause no one ever has to know that

I'm the one who's lost and found
Oh I've tried, I've tried to be myself
But all the love that you give has no effect
on a heart that's already wrecked

I'm losing it, I'm losing it

I try not to get lost in you
and forget where I am
There's this force that forces me
to not understand

It's not fair to not be fair to you
At least from where I stand
I think it's best to not get to know you,
so I don't get to the point where I can't

Cause you don't have to know that

I'm the one who's lost and found
Oh I've tried, I've tried to be myself
But all the love that you give has no effect
on a heart that's already wrecked

I'm losing it, I'm losing it

My afternoon.

lol, cats like to lay on paper.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Old lyrics- new meaning

I wrote these lyrics a long time ago. As I was singing and strumming away today (just now actually), I came across the song that contains them.

As I said, I wrote these lyrics a long time ago. I wrote them during a much different period in my life. Looking back now, these lyrics are somehow still applicable; but now I'm relating to them in an entirely new way.


I look up at the sky
wondering, wondering why
My feet are on the ground
Just help me, save me from this now

What I sit under is a breath of fresh air
And what I'm taking in, I don't really care

It's not helping
Do you think that you're worth it?
And it's not healthy
Do you think I deserve this?

This whatever this is


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Semester one: CHECK!

What's been going on lately?


As semester one was coming to end,
it got REALLY windy :P

I visited my cousin at her favorite place to be,

and studied hard core for my English LIT final.

On the second last day of the first semester
we had a pizza party in the hallway we hang out in! :)

I convinced two friends to start their own blogs,
which they added to during our 2 1/2 hour last writing class. We also wrote a very impressive poem which is now hanging at the front of the writing classroom. ^^

After writing my English LIT final, semester one was officially over. In other words- we're halfway through grade twelve, a.k.a. our graduating year ._.
The last Drama class EVER (for me and a few others) was a bit emotional. It was, in fact, the end of a five year streak.

I rode home that day (the last day of the first semester) alone for one of the first times on the bus. I ended up- well, doing what you see below. I couldn't keep from laughing out loud for quite a while, which turned a few heads.

After going home and checking my facebook (isn't that everyone's regular routine?), I found my Grampz had uploaded the pictures he took of my play. This is my favorite one :) My cast pointing to me in the audience to stand up.

Good memories :]

So, semester one is over. As I said before, WE'RE HALFWAY THROUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR- OUR GRADUATING YEAR.

Oh dear.

I'm sure there are many more great things to come. Bring it on, semester two!



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shake Some Sense

People change. It's sad, but it's a fact.

These lyrics (only a verse and a chorus of a song) are about these kinds of people that are in- were in my life.


Don't worry, I'm just checking in
I'll pack my suitcase and go home again
If all you're looking for is a friend,
then don't count on me, I won't be here in the end

That's what you said

Turn off my nightlight, I don't need it anymore
The days of innocence are running out my door
Laughing and playing just wasn't good enough
So, I traded in that stuff, I traded in you

for something new

I wish I had the strength,
cause then I'd shake some sense into you
I wish you would stay around long enough
for me to shake some sense into you
I'd shake some sense into you
I'd shake some sense into you
Cause that's what friends do


:( sad face, I know. The only good about the bad in my life is that I can turn them into songs- something constructive, something that allows me to vent. That's my silver lining.

Till next time,


Monday, January 17, 2011

No screaming, no yelling and no heavy laughter!

Today was/is day number one of a week of resting my voice.

Lately (for a few months now) my voice has been haggard. I don't know if I've mentioned this here, in my blog, but it has.

:( sadface.

In hopes of fixing it I am going to rest it properly for a week (this means no yelling, screaming, heavy laughter, etc..) and see if that helps to improve it at all. Hopefully it will. I will also properly warm-up before I sing and drink tea before singing as well for the first while. Thankfully, I actually like tea now.

Apparently, I like "old man" tea. I was told today that Earl Grey tea was named after a political leader of some sort... Looking it up now on Wikipedia (which is thankfully still free, YAY!) I can confirm this and add more specifically that it was named after a British Prime Minister, Earl Grey the 2nd.

HMMMM.. Very interesting!


I drink an Earl Grey tea that tastes like orange and vanilla. ^_^ Mmmm, HAPPY! I can enjoy caring for my voice!

So, I'll let you know how it goes. No screaming and heavily laughing for a week might prove to be difficult for me to stick to... But I want my voice to be better, so whatever it takes.

Dinner's ready.
Type to you later!

Singing off,


Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is my third blog post of the day. TEE HEE =3 It's a bit unusual for me to post so often, but I could use some "unusual" lately.

Tonight my mum and I watched Imogen Heap's "Everything In-Between- The Story of Ellipse." It's a DVD comprised of documentation of about three years of her life writing, struggling, producing and releasing her latest record, Ellipse.

I bought the movie on iTunes so now I can be inspired over and over and over again. :] Because I did find it very inspiring- which I need desperately right now.

I related to her struggles with deadlines (they kill, PUNNY), her ambition and her unwillingness to compromise her work.

It spoke to me (especially right now) because I'm stuck in one of the stages she was stuck in while making her album. To see her overcome that by working so hard and pushing forward gave me a bit of a wake up call.

I really want this. But lately, I haven't been acting like it. I need to get myself back in that headspace, back in the game- if you will.

To do this, I just need to simply try.

I don't think I have been lately. I could blame it on being bombarded with other seemingly more pressing things like school, my play, friends, life, etc... But I need to do this more than a lot of other things I've been replacing it with.

I really think my lack of progress with my record and my music is weighing on me- this is negative, of course. One of the best feelings for me is to work on something (I can work on producing a song for as long as seven hours straight) and have something to show for myself. Lately, I've been feeling (not to sound too... emo BUT) useless.

It's invigorating to create something out of nothing. It's exciting to grow and achieve goals that you truly and earnestly want to achieve.

My voice is haggard and my body and mind is tired. Tonight I'll take it easy, go to bed early. Tomorrow, I plan to really try with my album and the songs I've been working on for it.

I'm gonna start to give it a good go. (How's that for an alliteration?) ^^

Signing off after announcing yet ANOTHER revelation :P


My Love ♪

Today is not my day
Nothing is going my way
So why can't you?

Today is so messed up
I think I'm running out of luck
So why don't you give me some?

Cause all I need's your voice in my ear
Won't you whisper to me?
Make everything clear, my love

Today does not compare
to the way you touch my hair
That's all I need

Today could turn around
You can bring me up when I'm down
You're all I need

Cause all I need's your voice in my ear
Won't you whisper to me?
Make everything clear

It's the warmth you bring that makes me whole
Won't you make me believe?
Bring me home, my love

Cause all I need's your voice in my ear
Won't you whisper to me?
Make everything clear

It's the warmth you bring that makes me whole
Won't you make me believe?
Bring me home, my love

New and different experiences

It's a quiet Saturday morning. Only half of our house is awake. It's a nice change from this past week, which was pretty busy.

My play was performed along with five other plays. It went great :) My dad filmed it, which I'm thankful for as I want to remember the only play I ever wrote (play's aren't really my writing style). Maybe I should find a way to post it somewhere for you guys to see... It's about 20 minutes long though, so I don't know if YouTube can host it. BUT, it is original content so it won't be TAKEN DOWN DUE TO "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT."


Anyway, the performances were a lot of fun. Of course I wasn't performing in any of them, but to see something I wrote come to life like that was a very cool feeling. And even though I wasn't the one (this time) who was up on stage, I was still pretty nervous for my actors. :P They did a fantastic job though! I was/still am very pleased and proud with the final product. :]

Willa (fellow playwright) and I at opening night!

The article on the Festival came out Wednesday (the festival started that night) as well. You can read it here. (: I'm the first one quoted!

The whole experience was different for me. The performance night was a change from usual performance nights for me because a) I wasn't on stage like I said before and b) I was a part of a group- a team. Usually all I have to worry about/count on is myself. This time I had a group of people behind me, working towards the same thing.

That was different, nice. :)

The whole experience was a unique one. Props to Ms. Young (our acting teacher) and Ms. Frodsham (our writing teacher) for putting it on!

Now that the plays are over with, there's only a week left of the first semester- our last first semester of OUR LIVES. =O Unless we fail, I guess. :P Oh and for those who are going to college, not so much. lol.

Half of the school year is almost over. I'm excited for next semester and a bit weirded out by the idea of this thing I've been going to ten months a year, five days a week since I was a toddler coming to an end.

How's that for a new and different experience?


Well, I better get my day started.

All the best and TTYS,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New untitled song (possible grad ceremony song)

I'm out my slump. It would appear anyway. :)

I finally wrote a song. I started and finished it last night and I am very relieved. It's been about over a month since I finished a song (all I have in my songbook are like... 10 verses- all of which weren't going anywhere). I was trying to force creativity. I would attempt to write a song on a certain topic, because at the time I didn't know what I was inspired by, and it didn't lead anywhere. I was faking creativity. This time however, it was real.

It didn't take long after I stumbled upon a topic I was legitimately interested in to form a song about it. This topic wasn't decided before hand, it just ended up coming out of my mouth attached to the piano riff I was playing. Which is how all of my good songs are formed.

I feel like I got my mojo back. =] I feel right again.

I don't have a title for this new song, but I do like/appreciate the lyrics as they are pressing to myself and others my age right now. It's about the future, which is something we're all if not worrying, thinking heavily about. It's uplifting, which is nice. Before this latest bout of writer's block I was finding myself only writing negatively. For instance, one chorus I came up with was called "Wasting Away," another "Lost and Found." Not bad songs (or starts of songs) when I think back on them, but this one, for me at least, is much more refreshing. And needed at this point in my life.

Not only for myself, but for others graduating from high school and experiencing doubt in themselves and concerns about their future.

Before I begin, a message for all of you (if you don't find one in this song)- Don't rush. You have the rest of your life ahead of you. What's a year compared to that? Or two years?



If there was only one way
then the world be a smaller place
I can decide my own fate
cause nothing is meant to be, nothing's safe

Don't feel sorry for me
for not making up my mind

I'll be just fine
I'll decide when the time is right
I'll live my life
I won't regret not choosing what's right in your mind

And if the path is already paved
What's the point in passion? What's the point in pain?
What if I don't want to fit in?
Isn't there beauty in not giving in?

I thought we could be whoever we wanted to be
Easy to say, not easy to see

I'll be just fine
I'll decide when the time is right
I'll live my life
I won't regret not choosing what's right in your mind

The most logical thing to me
is not pushing it out of reach

I'll be just fine
I'll decide when the time is right
I'll live my life
I won't regret not choosing what's right in your mind


Ha. I just thought that this could be my grad song audition. You know, where someone plays at the grad ceremony? I could play this.

._. I'm scared. But that's what life's all about!



Monday, January 10, 2011

Well hello there,

Today it snowed. Numerous amounts of people thought I had gotten a haircut (but I didn't). Two other fellow play writers and I got interviewed for a newspaper article. I felt sick at times. I laughed a good amount. I read more of "The Happiness Project" and was enlightened. I drank a lot of water. I started and completed a LIT assignment.

And I felt awful watching more on the shooting that happened in Arizona.

Just another day in the life.

Signing off,


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Patiently Waiting

You're somewhere out there, I just can't find
It's gotta be you all the time
I'll be here contemplating
Cause I am patiently waiting for you

I'd keep your letters in a jar
If you wrote me from afar
I'd still be here contemplating
Cause I have patiently waited for you


Monday, January 3, 2011

I actually worked on my album today. I KNOW. I didn't really get anywhere... Not really. But, at least I'm back at it. That's certainly progress.

School's tomorrow. It's bittersweet. I'll most likely be blogging less :( but hopefully producing more :) I repeat: it's bittersweet.


Signing off,


P.S. Cady Groves' music is acoustic and it's delicious. And KitKat bars are the bomb.


Sunday, January 2, 2011