Thursday, July 28, 2011


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I don't have everything figured out. That's all I've figured out.

"Has anyone told you that you over-think things too much?"

Yes. I tell myself that everyday.


Hey. It's me again.

I'm sitting at my computer desk amongst books and copies of my EP, random chords and technological devices that are all shoved to the corner of my ill-sized bedroom that can currently only fit a twin sized bed. A lot is going through my head. So much so, that I find it a bit difficult to sort through it all and type only the important things out to whoever's reading this now.

I have a newspaper interview tomorrow morning and my first real "band practice" tomorrow night. I'm toying with the idea of adding a couple more tracks to my current 4 song EP, while trying to mentally prepare for the performances I have coming up this weekend.

My album, of course, is weighing on me. As it always is. I'm in a rut as far as producing goes. And with this week's upcoming events it's hard to focus on recording- which apparently I've fooled myself into believing needs the utmost undivided attention. Well, maybe it does. But at the rate I'm going, this seems impossible.

This is my life.

In the past- well, the more recent past- I have kept my blog to only reporting positive and exciting things. However, I have neglected to include the nitty gritty. Which is what I honestly enjoy writing about the most. The heart of it. The feelings. Which sometimes includes struggle. It's not all glamorous. Trust me. I know this now. I can say this because I know now that I did not really realize it before.

Just because things are looking up and progressing- even rapidly- doesn't mean that will hold true.

The situation constantly changes. That's what life is. A series of changes.

I have come to find this pretty organically, and ripe at the age of seventeen. I've learned this from a small dose of the music business. But also, like most people: from relationships, personal goals that start out different then how they end up, making decisions and un-making those decisions, trying something that doesn't end up working and then taking a completely different path...

I don't have everything figured out. That's all I've figured out.


I like to refer to the stage I'm in right now as "the in-between." I'm fresh out of high school, finished with my past as I know it, and onto explore my future... the rest of my life.

Put it like that and it sounds pretty daunting.

I know I'm not the only one. And maybe that's why I feel a sort of duty to write this right now. If you're in the same position as me, and heck, even if you still have years to go before your grad or yours was years ago, just stop. That's right, stop. Look around you. Where are you right now? Breathe in. Close your eyes if you want. Exhale. Who are you thankful for? Who do you love? What do you love?

For this one moment, you're allowed to be selfish. Think about your life. Think about your favorite memories.

We're so lucky to even be alive. There is so much this world has to offer. It's only a matter of taking it all in... letting it all in. Appreciating it.

This has been something I've made a conscious effort to include in my mind set, and with everything going on lately it has honestly been hard to maintain.

Things in my life have been... shifting. Even if I am only referring to what's been going on in my head. For me as a person, it's been crucial.

To tell the truth, I have no idea where I'll end up or what I'll be doing next year. Or the year after that. I have an idea of what I'd like to be doing, but I have no security in telling if it'll be successful or not. Or if something else doesn't come up.... But as someone who I think to be wise and someone who is close to me said, "No one does."

"You like to plan everything, don't you?"

I don't know if I like to. It's just been some kind of reflex I haven't tried to prevent.

When you get down to it- the "nitty gritty"- all that really matters are the things that are so easy to take for granted. Family, friends, passion, fulfillment, health, happiness... Most of everything else is irrelevant. I for one, want to spend my days filling these parts of my life out. Whether that ends up including a performing career or one in writing or.. who knows?!

As long as I'm happy. That's all that matters.

I extend my best wishes to all fellow graduates and soon-to-be grads.

I must sign off before I get carried away with another closely related subject. That I can save for next time.

Thanks for being apart of my figuring out of life.

xx K

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Spent all night working on my new song I'm so excited about. Recorded the guitar, tweaked the drum/beat tracks and started playing around with bass parts.

It seems to be coming together!

Things have shifted in just a day- as far as this summer and my music goes. But, in a positive way.

We've been brainstorming ideas for a new music video. I love what we have so far.

You might notice less of me on the web for the next while. But for me, this is also a positive thing. I'm most productive this way.

I feel like I need to get away. Just... immerse myself in music... my own little world. I've been so distracted lately.

So, I suppose this is my little goodbye. I'll be back to check in every now and then though. And when I come back, who knows, maybe I'll have something to show for it.

Can't guarantee anything. The game always changes.

Till the next change,

xx K

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Singing in the Rain

'Twas what I did last night, and what I'll probably be doing for the rest of this week.


I honestly don't mind the rain. In fact, I kind of like it. It's refreshing and relaxing... and peaceful. BUT, it is not useful on days when I'm supposed to busk.

Do you know how dead it is downtown when it's raining? VERY DEAD. People are fleeing the streets, not flocking to them as usual!


I am scheduled to busk downtown all this week (including tonight) as apart of the Victoria International Busker's Festival and it's supposed to be cold and raining all this week as well. These two things DO NOT mix. Hopefully, the weather will have a change of heart. I know many are disappointed in its actions as of late. Doesn't feel very summery.

Even though it was raining (very hard, I may add) the Langford Days Festival went well! I had fun, for sure. I met these two little girls, Amber and Katrina, who were very enthusiastic about my music. It was adorable. I "premiered" my new song, sold some of my EPs. Everyone was very welcoming and supportive.

It was quite lovely- despite the circumstances.

Now, I'll be busking downtown (come on, weather!!) and working on some new music. :) YAY.

I also should be prepping for my first performance coming up with accompaniment. More news on that later!

Gotta go and get my day started.

TTYL as always,


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Writing, recording, promoting, performing, practicing, organizing, booking, researching, producing...

The ball has certainly started rolling on this whole... "music business" thing.


It's quite hectic- but exciting!

I have some fun gigs coming up, including the Victoria International Busker's Festival 2011, Langford's Walmart Grand Opening, the 9th Annual Langford Days Summer Festival, Capital Festival's BC Day Celebration 2011 at St. Anne's Academy and some soon-to-be confirmed dates in Parksville.

I've started creating events through my facebook page where you can RSVP to my gigs that are open to the public. It's a great way to let everyone know when/where I'm playing.

I've been posting on my facebook page a lot lately. I find it's the easiest way to get news/messages out. If you haven't liked it yet,visit it here!

To view ALL of my upcoming show dates, always visit my website (

Other than performing, I've also been heavy into producing and writing, which are steps to completing my first "proper" album. I've written a new song, just three nights ago, but I feel so strongly about it. I don't want to post the lyrics or even the title up, because I want to keep this one a surprise. I want you to be able to listen to it, fresh.

I'm SUPER excited for you to hear it, though. I can hardly wait! ^^

But, you- and I- will have to be a bit patient. :P

That's about all for now. I must go rehearse/record. 'Tis a busy weekend coming!

Thank you again for your interest and support. I'll always need it.



Making the Album: post writing song high

July 10th, 2011

Staying up late that night was one of the best decisions I've made. I ended up writing a song I'm REALLY excited about. I've already started producing it, cause I feel so strongly that it should be released right away.

I took this picture after the song was complete. This is me on my post writing song high.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Making the Album

Posted some pictures on my facebook page from when I was "in the studio" yesterday (i.e. my bedroom). They're in the album "Making The Album." I have started to capture the process of producing/recording my album through pictures!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lovin' Summer '11

I am indeed loving summer. ^^

HELLO THERE! It's only the beginning of July, but I feel like I've already done so much this summer. I've gone on a road trip, I've played gigs, I've been swimming, I've been to summer markets & the inner harbour, I've gone on hikes, I've stayed up late with friends- all in all, Summer '11 has been a kind friend!

I still have some gigs coming up- hopefully a lot more. But other than that, I'm really focused on my music. I've been working more and more on my album and my live performance too. I'm looking into having some accompaniment, which will be really cool! I've only played with other musicians a few times. So, I'm excited for that. I always want to be progressing and I think this is just what I need to do that.

I posted some pictures my cousin took of my performance in Campbell River for their Canada Day Celebration on Facebook. You can take a look at them here.:) That's where I'll be posting all of my photos for the next while. Also, check out my website! It's new!

A lot of things are new right now. But I like that. Which is good, because that's the music business for you: constantly changing. I better get used to it! I'm going to take my own advice. "Go with the flow. Do things as they come." That's what I've been doing this summer. And I'd say it's been working. :-)

I should have some more news on upcoming shows and progress on my album soon. So, don't be a stranger!

Hope you've been loving this summer as much as I am!

Peace & love,


Sunday, June 12, 2011

For My Memory (PROM)

Prom was certainly worth blogging about.

So, let's begin!

(click pictures to enlarge)

We had a photo shoot before leaving,
of course.

We pulled out all the stops for prom,
including a limo!

My mum organized our prom this year.
There was lots to see and lots to do!

There was a live rock band (which was SO FUN),
and karaoke- also FUN. ^^

There was a photo booth
and multiple photo stations.

There was friends- and for me, family as well.
It really was a night to remember.

:) And that's just what I'll do.

All of these graduation celebrations... there's a special place in my memory where I'll be keeping them.

Plus, pictures, videos, blog posts and journal entries help.


Till the next noteworthy event or situation in my life!

xx K

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Graduation Day

This past weekend was my graduation ceremony and this upcoming weekend is PROM!


I have about a week of high school left and the events to countdown the end are nothing short of AWESOME. The Graduation Ceremony went without a hitch. I, along with two of my grade 12 friends, performed the grad song I wrote called "Not Giving In."

We performed for both of our grad class' ceremonies, so we got to see everyone graduate. :)

*To read the lyrics to "Not Giving In," click here. Check back to get a free download of it soon!*

Afterwards and before we took pictures outside, modeling our highly attractive long blue gowns and square hats. ;) It was fun. :]

It was a beautiful, exciting day filled with my favorite people! What could be better?

Maybe prom.


Seriously though, I was honestly more excited for our graduation ceremony than I was for prom. Something about it... it seemed more special to me. More meaningful anyway. And to play the song I wrote about it... I'll never forget that day.

And I'm glad I have pictures of it to jog my memory. :P You know, for when I'm old and withered away.


As I said, I have about a week left of high school and as much as I can't wait for this summer and all the summer's after that and all the months to come in between, I'm going to savor these last few days as much as I can. Not because I'm going to miss school, but because it's still a part of my life and I don't plan on wasting any part of my life.

I'm ready and excited for what's to come, but I'm also living in the moment.

So, it's prom, exams, year end BBQ- and that's it, FOREVER.

Whoa ._. ... WHOA! ^^

MY GRAD COMMENT (for when I walked across the stage):

"Karly has enjoyed her high school years and already reflects back to them with a smile. She is thankful for the friends she's made and for the experiences that have led her closer to her future goals and aspirations of playing music for a living. Karly admires people who work hard and take risks in order to have the job that they love. Her dream is this, and she hopes to be that lucky one day."

:) xx K

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Follow Me

"Follow Me" is the first song where I've written different lyrics for each chorus. Also, I've found writing songs on the piano is helping my piano playing. And from piano class, I know that this song is in the key of F. :]

(click to view)

Wear your heart on your sleeve

or you'll never know

what could be

Say what you wanna see

It's just a locked door

waiting for someone who has the key

Oh whoa

Don't be afraid

You can go your own way

Oh whoa

Finding the light

isn't as hard as it might

seem to be

Just follow me

See what is all around you

There's nothing wrong

with going slow

Don't take who you have for granted

It's easy to do

With one foot forward,

have the other one follow through


Step up to the plate

You can decide your own fate

Oh whoa

Getting it right

feels as good as it should

Like you and me

So take the lead

I don't want to miss out

I won't be the one to regret it

You see, when tomorrow comes

I won't be the one to forget it

Do you think we could finally get it?

Oh whoa

Oh whoa

Oh whoa I've waited so long

Choosing for you would be wrong


Do what you feel

If it doesn't seal the deal

I'll be okay

The truth I can trust

I still need someone to follow me

Follow me, follow me


Follow me

Be with me

Follow me

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful for my mum sending me this.


What are you thankful for?

Comment it! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

'Twas a good day, I'd say.


Friends make things better. As well as a positive attitude. Note to self: keep both of these in my life. always.

There's a month left of school and it's gonna be a busy month. As much as I am excited and eager to graduate, I also want to savor this last month of high school. Unlike many others, I don't plan to go to college. So, this is the end of school- but not the end of my education. Certainly not the end of learning.
There's plenty more of that to come.

I'm looking forward to the near future, but I will do my best to enjoy the simple "carefree" days of high school I have left.

Who knows, maybe I will miss it.


;) K

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I didn't mean to be anyone's enemy

Tonight's chorus.

--I'd love to tell you that everything's all right. But it's not, so I won't even try. I'd love to assure you that everything will work out fine. But it probably won't, so I won't even lie to you. Cause this thing... what are we even doing? I just don't know if this is the way to go. My conscience is turning into a disease. I didn't mean to be anyone's enemy.

More later of course,

xx K

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You seem the same
maybe a little different
Let's start again
or maybe pick up from where we were
So good, so pure
I think I'd like to call you that
In fact, what can leave can also come back.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Cooking day: chicken chow mein!

My brother and I made dinner tonight. :)

This never happens, but it will now. We plan to make dinner every Monday and Wednesday.

It's fun! I felt... all... chef-like.


Today, our first day, we made chicken chow mein. It looks like a pizza because my brother decided to shape it that way. Apparently all of our dishes must be shaped like triangles.

No, I don't find that weird. And yes, I'm okay with it.

I think I shall blog of our culinary successes... and fails, if we have any. :P

Cheers to doing things in life!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

May 8th, 2009

May 8th, 2010

May 8th, 2011

Mum, thanks for being mine.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

What can be lost
can also be found

What can be damaged
can also be restored

What can be rewound
can also be fast forwarded

What we were then
we can be now.


Lonely Lullaby- my favorite song right now

Stumbled upon this just now.

It made me happy and inspired. :)

His new album comes out May 17th. I already have a favorite from the tracks that have been released on YouTube.

Listen. It's my favorite song right now.

It's ridiculously beautiful. It really moves me.

Hooray for Owl City & hooray for artists around the world!


Friday, May 6, 2011

this is where you come in

I've been writing a lot lately. Apparently I have a lot to say.

Tonight- just now- I wrote these lyrics to what could possibly be my first dance song. Weird I know. But, I suppose any song can be turned into a dance song. What, with the right remix; with the right beat. Hah, that's what everyone says about top 40 songs they like. "I don't know, I just like the beat to it."


I try to find an easier way
I try to pick it up where I left
These days there's nothing but heartache
There's nothing left to protect

And I'm trying to find out where you've been
I've been walking the same old path
I'm nothing if not struggling
This is how the other half lives

I'm helpless
This is where you come in (repeated a bunch of times)

I have more, but not finished/good enough to publish.

More to come. I'll probably post more lyrics tomorrow. It's the weekend. I have no homework. I have lots of time. Hurrah. xD

Signing off, K

Monday, May 2, 2011


Stay awake. Don't hesitate to open up your eyes. See the world. Know what it's like to finally realize.

You only get what you put into it and you only see what you see through. Times like this I wish I knew it and times like this I wish I knew you.

I've got time and I've got doubts. I've got room to figure it out. What is to see? What is to be? Find my own philosophy.

You only get what you put into it and you only see what you see through. Times like this I wish I knew it and times like this I wish I knew you.

We don't need to know how far it's supposed to go. We don't need to see. We can make it what we want it to be.

Life's forever changing. It's temporary, so why are we waiting?

You only get what you put into it and you only see what you see through. Times like this I wish I knew it and times like this I wish I knew you.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back to basics.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

One day, one day. We'll forget this all one day. Just for now we learn to sing. We are not our sorrows. We are not our scars. We are only human. This is what we are.


Music is one thing I actually have figured out in life.

Thought I'd share some pictures of recent gigs with you from last month now- because today is May 1st.

^^ I'm definitely going for a walk or something. It's beautiful.

"And if you were just one day,
you'd be the very first of May
and I'd be sunlight in your skies."

April 9th I played for everyone involved in the TOMS One Day Without Shoes: Barefoot walk in the park. It was nice. They were nice. :)

April 21st was my performance at Off the Grid (music, art and sustainability expo). My whole school walked over to where it was being held and I was very appreciative of how supportive everyone was. Playing in front of your peers can be very nerve racking.

April 17th and 28th I performed for the Liberal Party. I don't have any pictures of the 17th, which I should have because it was much bigger, but the 28th (as seen above) was held in a super fancy hotel downtown. We were on the eighth floor and the view was incredible. From the Parliament building to the ocean- I love where I live. ^^

So, there's a bit of catching up. I have not been idle, even though it may have appeared that way.

Music is something I will always be doing. It's one thing I actually have figured out in life. For me, it is constant. It's reliable. Everyone needs something like that.

Well, it's past noon on my last day of the weekend. I have things to do, so I'll write later.

Much love & appreciation,