I am indeed loving summer. ^^
HELLO THERE! It's only the beginning of July, but I feel like I've already done so much this summer. I've gone on a road trip, I've played gigs, I've been swimming, I've been to summer markets & the inner harbour, I've gone on hikes, I've stayed up late with friends- all in all, Summer '11 has been a kind friend!

I still have some gigs coming up- hopefully a lot more. But other than that, I'm really focused on my music. I've been working more and more on my album and my live performance too. I'm looking into having some accompaniment, which will be really cool! I've only played with other musicians a few times. So, I'm excited for that. I always want to be progressing and I think this is just what I need to do that.
I posted some pictures my cousin took of my performance in Campbell River for their Canada Day Celebration on Facebook. You can take a look at them here.:) That's where I'll be posting all of my photos for the next while. Also, check out my website! It's new!
A lot of things are new right now. But I like that. Which is good, because that's the music business for you: constantly changing. I better get used to it! I'm going to take my own advice. "Go with the flow. Do things as they come." That's what I've been doing this summer. And I'd say it's been working. :-)
I should have some more news on upcoming shows and progress on my album soon. So, don't be a stranger!
Hope you've been loving this summer as much as I am!
Peace & love,
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