Sunday, June 12, 2011

For My Memory (PROM)

Prom was certainly worth blogging about.

So, let's begin!

(click pictures to enlarge)

We had a photo shoot before leaving,
of course.

We pulled out all the stops for prom,
including a limo!

My mum organized our prom this year.
There was lots to see and lots to do!

There was a live rock band (which was SO FUN),
and karaoke- also FUN. ^^

There was a photo booth
and multiple photo stations.

There was friends- and for me, family as well.
It really was a night to remember.

:) And that's just what I'll do.

All of these graduation celebrations... there's a special place in my memory where I'll be keeping them.

Plus, pictures, videos, blog posts and journal entries help.


Till the next noteworthy event or situation in my life!

xx K

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