This past weekend was my graduation ceremony and this upcoming weekend is PROM!
I have about a week of high school left and the events to countdown the end are nothing short of AWESOME. The Graduation Ceremony went without a hitch. I, along with two of my grade 12 friends, performed the grad song I wrote called "Not Giving In."

*To read the lyrics to "Not Giving In," click here. Check back to get a free download of it soon!*

It was a beautiful, exciting day filled with my favorite people! What could be better?
Afterwards and before we took pictures outside, modeling our highly attractive long blue gowns and square hats. ;) It was fun. :]

It was a beautiful, exciting day filled with my favorite people! What could be better?
Maybe prom.
Seriously though, I was honestly more excited for our graduation ceremony than I was for prom. Something about it... it seemed more special to me. More meaningful anyway. And to play the song I wrote about it... I'll never forget that day.
And I'm glad I have pictures of it to jog my memory. :P You know, for when I'm old and withered away.
As I said, I have about a week left of high school and as much as I can't wait for this summer and all the summer's after that and all the months to come in between, I'm going to savor these last few days as much as I can. Not because I'm going to miss school, but because it's still a part of my life and I don't plan on wasting any part of my life.
I'm ready and excited for what's to come, but I'm also living in the moment.
So, it's prom, exams, year end BBQ- and that's it, FOREVER.
Whoa ._. ... WHOA! ^^
MY GRAD COMMENT (for when I walked across the stage):
"Karly has enjoyed her high school years and already reflects back to them with a smile. She is thankful for the friends she's made and for the experiences that have led her closer to her future goals and aspirations of playing music for a living. Karly admires people who work hard and take risks in order to have the job that they love. Her dream is this, and she hopes to be that lucky one day."
:) xx K
1 comment:
hey, congratulation!
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