Sunday, May 1, 2011

Music is one thing I actually have figured out in life.

Thought I'd share some pictures of recent gigs with you from last month now- because today is May 1st.

^^ I'm definitely going for a walk or something. It's beautiful.

"And if you were just one day,
you'd be the very first of May
and I'd be sunlight in your skies."

April 9th I played for everyone involved in the TOMS One Day Without Shoes: Barefoot walk in the park. It was nice. They were nice. :)

April 21st was my performance at Off the Grid (music, art and sustainability expo). My whole school walked over to where it was being held and I was very appreciative of how supportive everyone was. Playing in front of your peers can be very nerve racking.

April 17th and 28th I performed for the Liberal Party. I don't have any pictures of the 17th, which I should have because it was much bigger, but the 28th (as seen above) was held in a super fancy hotel downtown. We were on the eighth floor and the view was incredible. From the Parliament building to the ocean- I love where I live. ^^

So, there's a bit of catching up. I have not been idle, even though it may have appeared that way.

Music is something I will always be doing. It's one thing I actually have figured out in life. For me, it is constant. It's reliable. Everyone needs something like that.

Well, it's past noon on my last day of the weekend. I have things to do, so I'll write later.

Much love & appreciation,


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