First Love
I can remember it like it was yesterday
the smell of freshly baked cookies
your skin
The pitter patter of raindrops on the windows,
on the roof
and in your eyes
Feelings that felt familiar,
yet strangely new
until I met you
From the moment I learned your name
I found new reasons to speak
There was something in the air,
something that made me weak
I can't exactly place it,
no matter how hard I try
You showed me a new way to laugh,
and in the end; to cry
Although I may seem bitter
and resentful of what you put me through
Always know I'm better for it
I lived, I changed; I grew
I'm thankful for what it was we shared
It didn't last, I am aware
But the skeleton; what it left behind
is everlasting
More than a scar, a bruise, a burn
or ten thousand lacerations
It's a turning point
The first day of the rest of our lives
What we love and hate,
take for granted- appreciate,
despise, yet want
First love
Karly Rae.
Can I even express how much I LOVE this?
You have one seriously beautiful mind, my dear.
Nicely done - sometimes it's nice to not have rhymes everywhere in a poem - I know some of mine were awkwardly phrased to get more rhymes, so I can appreciate this.
by the way, it's write*, not right.
Wesley: WOOPS, thanks for pointing that out. =P
Flora: You always have something lovely to say, and I love you for that. :) thank you!!
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