Seasons greetings! *
A lot of good things have been happening lately, and it's making me feel (you guessed it) GOOD! =P I was feeling pretty down up until about a week or so ago, and now I'm feeling quite positive.
This is a very good thing.
I might be in the clear. ;) And I mean really, how can I be down at this time of year? All the lights and decorations, the hot chocolate and gingerbread men, the warmest feeling around- even though it's the coldest outside. It's great! =) There's certainly nothing like Christmas time!
The two greatest seasons for me are Summer and Winter. Summer for summer break (that's the obvious one), swimming, busking, festivals and family visiting. :) Winter for the warmth, snow, that magical feeling, presents and again, family visiting! =]
I'm so excited for my cousins to come out this Christmas! And for some of them, it's our very first Christmas spent in the same province. Our first one together.. and so, it's going to be the best one yet. FOR SURE :D There has been lots of preparing for this Christmas, and the only thing I haven't done yet is.. bought presents. ._. I know it's really last minute, but I have to do that this weekend. First I have to figure out what I'm getting everyone- and that's going to be a task on it's own.
But alas, I can do it!
That kind of seems like my motto lately. =P The only thing stopping me, is me. That's what I like to think anyway. ;)
ANYWAY, I wanted to post a few pictures of some of the happenings of the past week or so in this entry. GET READY, because I underestimated how many photo's there were. Enough to start a photo album on Facebook, that's for sure. But I like putting them here. :-) You, the readers of my personal blog, deserve to see them more. So, enjoy! =3
NOTE: Click to enlarge any picture.
Our Journey begins upon the 10th of December...
My mum and I decorated the Christmas tree very traditional this year. =]
On the 11th I played at the Bay Center for the Mustard Seed (Food Bank) for the 2nd time in the food court...
And got a great response from the "audience." :)
After, we ran into Annika and Mario, my two biggest fans! =)
And after loading my gear into the van, me and my mum had time for some shopping. :]
On the 13th, we went out to the Keg to celebrate my Dad's 49th Birthday.
The food was SPECTACULAR (yes, that's right) and so was the company. =]

ALSO, the cake was AMAZING. O_o Seriously, probably the best cake I've ever had.

On December 14th it snowed! This made almost everyone happy. =P

On the 16th, one day short of being one month after my 16th birthday, I got my L. Well, in this picture you see me sitting at the test machine completing the test...
And in this picture, you clearly see that we both passed. (Me and my brother) Although, I was just slightly more excited than he was. :P
Later that same day, we filmed the new music video (that's being put on YouTube this weekend) for my version of White Christmas. :]
It's definitely the most elaborate video we've done so far. From types and amounts of different camera angles to just the "set" alone.
And, there you have it! The past week summed up in .. 14 pictures! lol. You can probably tell by these pictures that it's been quite busy lately, and it has. But it's been a really fun week. :] A really happy week! ^-^
NOTE #2: This blog entry took me so long to type up and add all the pictures, it took me a span over two days to do it. Here's two pictures added from the extra day..
The last few days of school were a breeze. We didn't do much work, and it was mostly just fun Christmas stuff. Like in Cooking we made gingerbread men... see! (below)

As for today, the last day of school before the break, I ended up only going to one class. Instead of going to second block I went to the mall with my friends and shopped for last-minute Christmas presents. It was quite dandy! ^-^

So, it's been pretty great lately. I'm finally getting the Christmas vibe, feeling jolly and all. ;) And school's out! So I have so much more time!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this unorganized entry. I'll write another (better) one soon!
Signing off,
1 comment:
It looks like you've been havind a lot of fun lately! Im glad you're feeling happier now. Feeling down is lame. Can't wait to see the video! It's gonna be AWESOME! I know it xD
PS... My word for verification is "balling" xD
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